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  Environmental Ordinances          
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Storm Water Management Ordinance(Chapter 24)
This ordinance regulates storm water discharges from construction sites, including clearing, grading, and excavation activities, if the disturbed land area is 1 acres or more. The Storm Water Guidance Manual is a helpful document to better understand this.


Green Spaces Ordinance (Chapter 24, 57)
This ordinance regulates development around creeks, rivers, and waterbodies.

Hazardous Materials Ordinance (Chapter 33, II)
This ordinance regulates the handling and storage of hazardous materials, through a permit system, training, and inventory systems.

Commercial Litter Prevention Ordinance (Chapter 33, III)
This ordinance regulates the collection, handling and disposal of commercially generated litter.

Water Pollution Prevention Ordinance(Chapter 33, IV)
This ordinance controls pollution and prevent polluted water discharges into the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) and/or water bodies from residential, business, and commercial establishments. This will regulate a broad spectrum of discharges; from discharges containing oil/automotive fluids to discharges containing grass trimmings.


Industrial Storm Water Pollution Prevention Ordinance (Chapter 33, V)
This ordinance is designed to reduce contaminated storm water runoff from industrial facilities. It requires certain industrial facilities (depending on their SIC code) to obtain a permit from the City of Laredo

Illegal Dumping Ordinance(Chapter 33, VI)
The purpose of this ordinance is to minimize long-term effects to the environment from activities such as illegal dumping or the illegal filling of land; activities that may adversely impact the natural flow of water or degrade the quality of our water.

Stormwater Fee (Chapter 33, VII)
This ordinance authorizes the City of Laredo to assess a stormwater fee.

Checkout Bag Reduction(Chapter 33, VIII)
This ordinance is designed to reduce the adverse effects of windblown checkout bags.

Complete Land Development Code Chapter 24(includes Storm Water Management Ordinance & Green Spaces Ordinance )
This ordinance regulates land development in the City of Laredo.

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